Fukuoka: Comfort Hakata is near of the Hakata Station

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Pay attention snow in South Western Japan

In Jan 2016, it was on my way to Hong Kong, there were snow. Some of you are from many snow, but when you travel Southern/ Western, or even Central Japan, generally you need to pay attention when it is snow.


It is a site of snow in morning. I was in Northern Mid Western of the States in Winter. It was full of snow, and for them, this is “no snow”, but for us, this is huge trouble. Everything is so S-L-O-W.

Originally I had planned to leave home really early to have a flight. But you know, I had expected it would be coming to so slow, but International Flights, it rarely delay in such small snow.

I decided to stay one night in convenient area. I wanted to stay at Hotel Nikko Hakata, there are no steps from the underground way from the station, it was already occupied. My second option was this Comfort Hotel Hakata. It is a kind of miracle that this hotel is often be occupied so quickly.

There are some steps to be at the ground, it is located across the big crossing, in other words, there were so many people had walked, there are no snow, I walked ground to the hotel.

agodaComfort Hotel Hakata


My room

It is my room, the most affordable rate, when I could book, US$100.

There are small desk, bed, refrigerator, and air purifier with humiliator.

And typical Japanese hotel bathroom.


The toilet is left of the picture above.

It was not bad stay as emergency running.


In this hotel, this is located a bigger (but old) newspaper’s western headquarter building. The building is curved, this hotel is curved.

comfort-hakata curved

Can you read what it is?

Yes, laundry.



It is near of Hakata Station, there are full of restaurants. I bought these in Hankyu Hakata (department store), for my night snack.


It is Comfort hotel, they serve free breakfast.

But it is “Free”, means not pretty much fancy.


But in Japan, we do not have behaviour of eating breakfast at outside. It is the Hakata Station, a biggest terminal in Kyushu area, there are some cafes including McDonald’s serve since early morning.

agodaComfort Hotel Hakata
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