Tokyo: Shinagawa Prince Hotel East Tower is convenient, but I was not satisfied with the bed

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I stayed here on Aug 2015. There was a rock live held in “Sthera Ball”, a middle sized concert hall in this hotel. It is super convenient to stay at the hotel the live is held.

agoda Shinagawa Prince Hotel

About “Shinagawa Prince Hotel”

In this hotel of “Shinagawa Prince”, there are three hotel buildings, and amusement area too.

Three hotel towers

There are three towers, and the from the “affordable” to “luxury”: East tower is the most affordable, Main tower is mid level, and the Annex tower is luxury.

The amusement equipment of this hotel, auarium, movie theator, and the concert hall are held on the Annex tower.

Me? I often stay at the East tower 🙂 Indeed I may not return to the East Tower, due to the  dented bed. I will pay for convenience, but dented beds are not for me.

East Tower: I am feeling it is convenient location, but inconvenience regulation

Check in: 14:00

There are so many hotels, setting 14:00 or 15:00 as the checkin. But they often accept to keep my bags.

If you need to go outside, you can use coin lockers, or paid cloak. This is inconvenient point of this hotel, probably it can be the same regulation in the Main Tower too.

Two elevators

In this East Tower, there are only two elevators, I needed to wait.

Single room

It is single room, old and small but convenient studio was settled in the room, indeed I could find only two plugs. There are no boilers, but you can use the water tank in this floor. The hair drier is built-in, there are less need to use. The bathroom is typical Japanese business hotel, but it is old.

Yeah, there is a reason why it is affordable hotel.

Worst bed ever in this hotel rank

This mattress is recessed/ dented. It is really shocking in this hotel rank. It is not a dormitory! 


I was too tired to ask to change. But I write it in this blog.

I may NOT return this East Tower again, probably I may choose the Main Tower.

Breakfast: 36th of the Main Tower

I bought my breakfast. I planned to visit on “Hapuna”, the famous for the delicious breakfast. Indeed seemed it is full, I went to “ Top of Shinagawa”, the 36th.

The beautiful site 🙂


Can you see? there is sea!

I took them.


It is delicious, but the bacon is not well fried.

Yeah, I ate all!

This is the reason why I want to back to this hotel again (but no East Tower).

Amusement & eat

There are amusement area too. There are no picture of the concert hall.

Here is the aquarium.


In the canteen (in the Annex building), I bought Okonomiyaki, guess the price is less than JP¥1,000.


In this hotel area is big, there is a convenient store , 7-11 too. It was my mid night snack.


agoda Shinagawa Prince Hotel

Perfect location for fliers

Shinagawa Station is so convenient for the fliers, and Shinkansen transporters. Up to your destination, this hotel is one of the nearest hotel near of Shinkansen Stations in Tokyo.

agoda Shinagawa Prince Hotel

There are Keikyu line (connected to Asakusa Line of the Metro), and there is also a Shinkansen terminal too. And this Keikyu line brings me to Haneda airport, and in other destination, it goes to Narita Airport too. Of course you can take JR line to Narita airport.

And also to this Hotel, the Airport limousine brings you to Narita or Haneda.

This hotel is located near of the Keikyu line side, and if you get of from JR station, take Takanawa gate.

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