Nara: Gangoji (元興寺)[World Heritage Site]

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Sky traveled Nara in Nov 2022. Gangoji is one of the World Heritage Site in Nara city.

It is famous as the oldest roof tiles.

Gangoji 元興寺 asuka

You may be able to see the roof tiles with brown/ white/ grey. They are roof tiles made at early late 500s to 600s, at “Asuka”. This temple was moved to this “Nara” area in 710s.

Gangoji 元興寺
Gangoji 元興寺

There was used to be a big temple like Todaiji, but due to the fire, it was shrunken and shrunken.

Gangoji 元興寺 roof

They don’t allow you to take photos of the museum, I could see really old stuffs found in this temple area, and they have an Archaeology laboratory, there are many interesting things, but I don’t remember that whether there were English or other languages.

Sanctuary --- Temples, Churches and Shrines
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