dtac GO INTER eSIM (in Japan & South Korea)

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I found KKday, a Taiwanese optional tour company is selling dtac GO INTER eSIM, and purchased it in April, 2023.

dtac used to be one of a Thailand’s telecommunication companies, it had been already merged with True MoveH in 2023. I am not quite sure whether the brand of “dtac” is going to continue be changed, but anyway, I purchased this round eSIM GO INTER in April, 2023.

This eSIM is a kind of round SIM, you can use it in many countries with one purchasing as long as it is 6GB/ 10days. It is convenient when you in transit.

Please do not forget you need secured WiFi to activate eSIMs, tethering from another smartphones is pretty enough. You are not able to activate it with the mobile network what is using in the device what you want to use your new eSIM.

The good point of this eSIM is roaming to other countries with one purchasing. For example I am in Japan, and going to Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc, I can setup and activate it at my home.

QR Code was sent from BillionConnet

When I purchased in KKday, I got a mail from BillionConnet. There is a QR code to install and activate this eSIM. Seems BillionConnet is a brand name under a company of “Wei Tai Ge”, and this company is based on Beijing, Mainland China.

Reading QR Code means activation

Seems in this eSIM, it is activation when I read the QR Code without let this eSIM roaming.

I was in Japan where is one of a countries this eSIM covered, we need to let “roaming” this eSIM to using mobile data network, dtac sent me SMSs really quickly. I show you them.

dtac sms 1
dtac sms 2

I have 10 days, and it is pretty enough.


In Japan, it connects to “Softbank” and “docomo”. In South Korea, it connects to “SK” and “KT”.

“D” is this datc.


It was stable in both Japan and South Korea, but it rarely tried to switch other companies’ wire, compared with authentic SIMs, I have “docomo” in Japan, and I had SK in South Korea, this roaming SIM was not fast as the authentic SIMs.

But this SIM should be work pretty well when you are just arrived an airport for transit, and stay that country for few hours. I may purchase it again when I visit another countries, and update.

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