Fukuoka: Kyushu National Museum is worth visiting

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I am crazy about museums, I can spend whole a day in bigger museums like National Museums in many countries 🙂 I spent whole two days in Metropolitan Museum, NYC.

In Japan, there are several “National Museum”, Kyushu National Museum(九州国立博物館) is one of the newest, and the big one.


To be honest, this is not convenient place, unlike Tokyo, Nara, and Kyoto, other National Museums are. But it is worth visiting.


I took some pictures in March 2016.

Inside of this building is large and wide.


On that time, March 2016, I went to the special exhibition for Chinese Terracotta Warriors (兵馬俑)

There are regular great exhibition too. I liked to see some good looking Japanese Terracotta, Haniwa (埴輪), not warriors, but a dancing farmer.

As I remember they do not allow to take photos. There is a photo I took, but this is out of the special exhibition room, and they are replicas to take photos.



I often am at museums for long. In this museum, there are small cafeteria, and small restaurant, both are run by Hotel New Otani.

I had checked pictures what I had eaten in the cafeteria, but all I could find was a picture in the restaurant, where is located to another small building.


This restaurant is not affordable, but I often eat in there when I am at this museum.

Tickets for special exhibitions

On that time, I bought Nishitetsu Fukuoka Tenjin Station, they often supply packaged (and discounted) tickets of two way tickets from Fukuoka Tenjin Station to Dazaifu Station, and special exhibition and regular exhibition.


Way to go

To Dazaifu Station

The Dazaifu Tenmangu is located in city of Dazaifu, Fukuoka prefecture.
How to get there by using public transportation:

  1. Nishitetsu Fukuoka Tenjin Station (西鉄福岡天神駅)
  2. Change trains at Nishitetsu Futsukaichi Station (西鉄二日市駅)
  3. Final destination is Dazaifu Station(太宰府駅)
  4. Walk

dazaifu station

(Dazaifu Station)

(Photo of the Nishitesu Futsukaichi Station)

There are some direct trains from Nishitetsu Fukuoka Tenjin Station to this Dazaifu Station, but mostly you need to change trains in Futsukaichi Station.

Guess it is the most easiest way to go.

There are direct buses to Dazifu Sation from the JR Hakata Station, but it does not run often, and it is QUITE occupied even weekday.

dazaifu hakata

The bus brings you to Hakata Station, Fukuoka city via Fukuoka Airport. In Feb 2019, I had thought to take a ride from Hakata Station Bus Terminal to Dazaifu, but it was a LONG line to go. I had quickly calculated, and found I could not get the ride of the bus, and went to Tenjin Station by Subway.

In my return, I found that I needded to wait for the bus to Hakata Station for more than 30 mins. But the train was ready to leave within 5 mins. There are some train tickets, or discounted bus tickets, but they can be not always convenient.

You will see on the right side the broadway to this shrine. If you have any trouble finding it, please ask at the Information Centre in the station. They may have map or directions written in English.

Here is the link for the detailed map in English, it is by Kyushu National Museum, which is actually quite near this shrine.


From Dazaifu Station to the Museum

If you have any trouble finding it, please ask at the Information Centre in the station. They may have map or directions written in English.

On the way to this museum, there is a huge shrine, Dazaifu Tenmangu, quite near by of the museum.


It can be easy to go there through the tunnel.

to kyuhaku


(In the picture above, the shrine is on the forward, and the museum is in my back.)

In March 2016, I turned to the back street.


It is quiet road, but not lonely. I had thought this is a back gate of the museum, you need to climb up the long slope.


It was a blooming season.

Finally I arrived at the entrance.


Here is the link for the detail of map in English.



  • Sun, Tues – Thus; 09:30 – 17:00
  • Fri & Sat; 09:30 – 20:00
  • Close on Mondays

Admission Fee: Regular Exhibition; ¥430, Special Exhibition (up to the exhibitions)

Place :4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka, 818-0118


How long Sky stayed: 2 hours – 3 hours

Also worth visiting nearby: Dazaifu Tenmangu

Check them before your visiting to Japan

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KKday Japan Unlimited High-speed Data eSIM

See also:Ready to Connect the Net when big disasters in Japan

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