Kyoto: Ninna-ji(仁和寺) is a gorgeous temple

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I went to Ninna-ji (仁和寺) on Oct of 2018.

This temple is the highest temple in the city of Kyoto. Emperor Uda founded this temple in 888, and after Uda retired, he lived at this Ninna-Ji as a priest (he had several places to live). After him, there were some retired Emperors including Emperor Suzaku, one of the grand sons of Uda lived, and head priests are from Imperial Family.

Pagoda and buildings

Do not miss the site of Pagoda from the garden. (I like Pagodas!)

It is a really gorgeous temple, and on Oct, I could visit the museum (¥500), and go into the main building (¥800).

Do not miss to find the small doll on the main building (the purpose is stopper)!The gorgeous main building is originally the Hall of State Ceremonies, when the Palace was reconstruct in early 1600s, the previous building (the building of 1500s) was moved to this temple and rebuilt as a temple.

On Oct 2018, I could see the inside of 経蔵, Stage for Sutra.

See the classical corridor.

Guess you may see the steps in the picture. It is a historical buildings and gardens, some are allowed to enter. It is a little bit difficult to see all if you have problem with walking.

Essays in Idleness

Also, this temple is famous for the classical essay “Tsuredure-gusa (徒然草)”, written by Kenko YOSHIDA (吉田兼好) written in 1330s. There were full of cynical rumours, there are many funny or wired stories about monks in this Ninna-ji. Japanese kids learn this essay while jr-high schools. I really love that. It is translated to English, as “ Essays in Idleness”.


Guess this East Gate is near from the Ryoan-ji Side.

Also, there is a building where I took this photo above, seems there is a 宿坊(shuku-bou, a hostel for visitors), there is a canteen (the opening hours are 10:30 AM to 04:00 PM, and they serve meal 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM).

I left this temple from the East Gate.

I bought tickets in the Nioumon, the main gate.

(From Omuro-Ninnnaji Station to the main gate)

The gate itself is really interesting, you may see two Devas.

It was really long line to buy tickets.


Hours: 09:00AM – 05:00PM (March to November)
09:00AM – 04:30PM (December to February)
Admission Fee:¥500 for an Adult, it changes up to seasons and so on. Check the HP before your visiting
Place :33 Ouchi, Omuro, Ukyo, Kyoto
How long Sky stayed:2 Hour
If you are not tired, you can visit Kitano Tenmangu in the same day. My recommend is take Randen. It is really slow, but cool.
Take Mimuro-Ninnaji Station to Kitano-Hakubaicho (I took). It takes 25-30 mins. Please pay attention, Kitano Tenmangu seems not opening for 24 hours/7 days.
Check them before your visiting to Japan

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