HK: Sky 100 Observatory

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In 2014, I had a short time, to visit Sky 100 Observatory, the biggest building in HK.

(Shot from Central side, HK Island 2014).

This building is above of Kowloon Station, where is not always easy to visit from Kowloon peninsula side. I recommend to go to Hong Kong station, and take MRT like to KL station. Do not take AEL, what you can not get off until the Airport. In other words, when you leave Hong Kong from the Airport, and take AEL, it is one of the solution is visiting this observatory. In 2017 or 2018, I watched some movies in the Elements, and took AEL from KL station to the airport.

Anyway, this observatory in 2014. In this time, there were no lines to buy tickets.

The elevator is a kind of scary thing, there are “movie” to see the city, it is not a skeleton car of course, but scary.

I was almost screamed to see this walkway.

Of course this is not a skeleton!  But I was almost heart attacked. I am a person who feel so scary when I am in high.

The left building is the very this Sky 100 in KL Peninsula.

Sadly there was smoked, it is the very Hong Kong.

From the left, Tsim Sha Tsui (Star Ferry Pia), HungHam, Victoria Harbour, and Cause Way Bay. I was not scared to see, it can be because it is too high.

See also:

This site above is MongKok to Sam Sui Po.

See also: You can buy HK SIM in Sam Sui Po

If you are coming to familiar with the geography in Hong Kong, you may see many where you had been from here.

In this Observatory, you can enjoy shopping at the Elements, huge mall in here. I checked in the AEL on the KL station and dropped my luggage too, I had watched movies in here before of my flight back to Japan.

Ritz Carton Hotel and W Hotel are located in here. It’s up to your budget, but staying in here to have fun and not going outside is one solution.

Check them before your visiting to Hong Kong
Sight SeeingHongKong
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